Success is having people assist you who possess strengths you do not have...

Peter J. Daniels

Peter Daniels and his son Graham jointly conduct private consultancy on a commercial basis to individuals, business associates and families.

This is a “one on one” full day consultancy on business & lifestyle strategy, running from 9:30am until 4:30pm. This private consultancy operates in a boardroom setting and is usually conducted in Peter’s birth city of Adelaide, South Australia, Singapore or Vanuatu. On occasions, this consultancy has been conducted via Skype in multiple sessions of 90 minutes over a two week period.

“I had the opportunity to meet with Peter Daniels and his son Graham…. At the time of the meeting I had a number of properties, all encumbered. I am pleased to announce, as from 2 weeks ago I am completely debt free… I am now yielding significant profits and rewards in multiple businesses. I am so thankful to God for the advice I received in that meeting in Adelaide…”

Neal B - Australia

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"Meeting with Mr. Daniels and Graham Daniels was one of best investments that I have done in my life. Thank you for all the insights.... look forward to meeting up again in the near future. Thank You!"

David K. - USA

For further details or to request a consultancy appointment